Margaret Court Is Back With More Homophobia, Says 'Tennis Is Full Of Lesbians'


Tennis legend Margaret Court just made another unforced error.

The 74-year-old Australian said Wednesday that her sport is “full of lesbians” and even referenced Adolf Hitler in discussing how how young minds are being influenced.

Court, who has won a record 24 Grand Slam single titles, made the remarks after recently declaring she refused to fly Qantas because the airline supports same-sex marriage.

Her latest anti-LGBTQ volley will raise plenty of eyebrows as well.

“I mean, tennis is full of lesbians, because even when I was playing there was only a couple there but those couple that led took young ones into parties and things,” she said on Vision Christian Radio, per The Guardian. “And because they liked to be around heroes and what you get at the top is often what you will get right through that sport.”

We’re there to help them overcome,” she added. “We’re not against the people.”

The interview then got weirder. 

“God’s got so much in [the Bible] about the mind, how it affects us, affects our emotions, our feelings,” Court, now a Christian pastor, said, according to CNN. “You can think ‘Oh, I’m a boy’ and it’ll affect your emotions and feelings, and everything else and so that’s all the devil. That’s what Hitler did. That’s what Communism did ― got the minds of the children. And it’s a whole plot in our nation and in the nations of the world to get the minds of the children.”

Tennis greats Billie Jean King and Martina Navratilova, who are both gay, have already called for Court’s name to be removed from the stadium that bears her name at the Australian Open in Melbourne.

Current stars Andy Murray and Samantha Stosur, who is Australia’s top women’s player, have also spoken out against her remarks.

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