Serena Williams’ Husband Did The Sweetest Thing For Her Unknown 00:02 Huffingtonpost HuffPost - Breaking News IFTTT U.S. and World News Unknown "Find someone who loves you as much as Alexis loves Serena." from HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News via IFTTT Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Author : Unknown Related Posts How ‘Sweetbitter’ Captures The Grit And Glamour Of The Restaurant WorldThe Starz adaptation of Stephanie Danler's novel immerses us in the sexual, racial and personal politics of the kitchenCooked looks interesting: you add ‘’ in front of a recipe URL...Cooked looks interesting: you add ‘’ in front of a recipe URL and it’ll show just the recipe, generate a shFuriosa: A Mad Max Saga I’m still catching up from being blissfully away from the internet in December so apologies to those of you for which East Asian Americans With Bodies That Don’t Fit An Archetype, And Proud Of It“You barely see Asian-American bodies in media. But when you do, you only see perfect skinny ones." from HuffPost - Br