Six Quick Links for Wednesday Noonish


New survey: "Almost two-thirds of young American adults do not know that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, and more than one in 10 believe Jews caused the Holocaust." []

James Fallows: "The press hasn't broken its most destructive habits when it comes to covering Donald Trump", including both-sides-ism, covering elections as horse races, and focusing on spectacle. []

"The effects of global warming in the Arctic are so severe that the region is shifting to a different climate, one characterized less by ice and snow and more by open water and rain, scientists said Monday." []

A great piece by model Emily Ratajkowski about the ownership of one's image. "The problem with justice, or even the pursuit of justice, in the U.S. is that it costs. A lot." []

A very entertaining story about finding out the personal info of a former Australian PM just from an Instagram boarding pass pic. "If Tony Abbott's passport number is in this treasure trove of computer spaghetti, maybe there's wayyyyy more..." []

Months into the pandemic, some consumer goods are still difficult to find. "The coronavirus has eaten away at the entire system by which things are bought and sold in America, and few signs of improvement are on the horizon." []


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