Five Quick Links for Thursday Noonish


After B.B. King breaks a guitar string during the middle of a performance (~3:00 mark), he keeps on playing and singing while he casually changes the string onstage. []

Know Her, a list of 20 groundbreaking artists from the turn of the 20th century who have been largely forgotten and written out of the narratives of modern art because they were women. []

Podcast: @debbiemillman interviews @robynkanner, senior creative advisor for the Biden/Harris campaign. "Kanner’s sponsor asked what her goals were. She said she was going to elect the next president of the United States." []

How the pandemic changed our friendships. "Over the past year, she said, we stopped exploring, often limiting our rare encounters to tiny groups of trusted intimates. We didn't get new ones." []

"The last time ships got stuck in the Suez Canal, they were there for eight years and developed a separate society with its own Olympic Games." []


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