The Whimsical Web: a hand-picked collection of websites that have some extra... Unknown 08:54 IFTTT Kottke Unknown The Whimsical Web: a hand-picked collection of websites that have some extra personality, fun, and weirdness. (Psst, have you tried my hamburger menu?) from via IFTTT Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Author : Unknown Related Posts AI Robot Bests Marble Maze Game It’s a trip watching how fast CyberRunner can run a marble through this wooden labyrinth maze. Labyrinth and its manyMassive Military Spending “A Theft From Those Who Hunger”In 1953, shortly after taking office and Joseph Stalin’s death, President Dwight Eisenhower gave a speech to the AmericPlatformer, the tech news site, is leaving Substack. “We’ve seen this movie...Platformer, the tech news site, is leaving Substack. “We’ve seen this movie before — and we won’t stick around to watchCooked looks interesting: you add ‘’ in front of a recipe URL...Cooked looks interesting: you add ‘’ in front of a recipe URL and it’ll show just the recipe, generate a sh