Lucasfilm is doing a Mando movie: The Mandalorian & Grogu. It’ll be... Unknown 10:53 IFTTT Kottke Unknown Lucasfilm is doing a Mando movie: The Mandalorian & Grogu. It’ll be directed by Jon Favreau and will begin filming this year. 💬 Join the discussion on → from via IFTTT Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Author : Unknown Related Posts Wild World is a hand-drawn world map of nature - “here are...Wild World is a hand-drawn world map of nature - “here are 1,642 animals roaming its jungles and deserts, swimming its Tiny Flying Rainbows It’s not like we need another reason why hummingbirds are so cool, but if you photograph them backlit by the sun, thElectric Car Owners Confront a Harsh Foe: Cold Weather. The struggle is...Electric Car Owners Confront a Harsh Foe: Cold Weather. The struggle is real: yesterday I drove to visit a friend and tFor the people out there who really miss their Blackberrys, Clicks is...For the people out there who really miss their Blackberrys, Clicks is an iPhone case with a keyboard built in. 💬 Join