Muslim Actress Channels Ariana Grande In Musical 'Love' Letter To Trump


President Donald Trump’s rise to power has stirred much consternation and concern among American Muslim communities. 

It’s also provoked fearless (and devilishly irreverent) acts of defiance ― like the one created by Kausar Mohammed, an actress from Los Angeles, California.

In “Dangerous Muslim,” a parody of pop star Ariana Grande’s hit song “Dangerous Woman,” Mohammed sidles up to a wall plastered with photos of the president, jokes about Trump’s “fish lips,” and seductively poses on a bed, all while singing about a special “something” Trump has that’s making her feel some type of way.

“Something about you makes me feel like a dangerous Muslim,” Mohammed sings. “Something about you makes me more in love with my religion.” 

The bawdy, satirical Facebook video, published May 8, purports to be a “love letter to Trump” ― but is exactly the opposite of it. The video actually subverts stereotypes about Muslims to criticize the president. 

Trump promised to be a president “for all Americans” but has steadfastly neglected the concerns of American Muslims. He’s watched silently as anti-Muslim hate crimes spiked dramatically in the U.S. and bungled his way through a backdoor Muslim ban, which sought to ban people from several Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States. The ban, which came in the form of an executive order, sparked mass protests and caused hundreds of people to be detained at airports. A U.S. appeals court is currently reviewing the executive order.

Mohammed poked fun at the beleaguered travel ban and the profiling Muslims have often faced while traveling. She sings, “Your airport holdups they got me warmed up for your frisking.”

Mohammed and her co-star in the video, actor and producer Krishna Kumar, also pointed out the utter absurdity of connecting the violent ideologies of a few extremists to the faith of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims.

“Not all Muslims are like that, 1.6 billion in fact. A couple suck, but we’re not all bad.”

Watch Mohammed’s video above.

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