These First Ladies Were Committed To Using Their Status To Make Change Unknown 05:13 Huffingtonpost HuffPost - Breaking News IFTTT U.S. and World News Unknown From Eleanor Roosevelt to Michelle Obama, first ladies have championed important causes. from HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News via IFTTT Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Author : Unknown Related Posts Bank Of America Appears To Flip On Firearm Promise With Loan To RemingtonThe bank pledged in April to stop financing companies that sell military-style firearms to civilians. from HuffPost - Electronic Music of the Future from Jean-Jacques Perrey in 1966 In 1966, electronic music pioneer Jean-Jacques Perrey was on the game show I’ve Got a Secret and (spoiler!) his secretKennedy Center Revokes 2 Lifetime Awards From Bill CosbyA string of institutions have stripped the entertainer of accolades since he was convicted of sexual assault. from HufCooked looks interesting: you add ‘’ in front of a recipe URL...Cooked looks interesting: you add ‘’ in front of a recipe URL and it’ll show just the recipe, generate a sh