Seven Quick Links for Monday Noonish


Health experts who have fought pandemics lay out how COVID-19 could be stopped in the US. "Americans must be persuaded to stay home, they said, and a system put in place to isolate the infected and care for them outside the home." []

An attempt at a realtime map of people who have fevers in the US, using data from internet-connected thermometers. These are weird maps. The band of higher temps across the mid part of the country is telling us what exactly? []

I know it seems like a good idea to get all kinds of things delivered while you're in quarantine, but you're offloading your risk onto others in doing so. Please stay mindful of that and order only what you absolutely *need*. []

A loss of the sense of smell & taste, even in the absence of other symptoms, may be an indicator of COVID-19 infection. []

Having your kids out of school (where the structure is more due to crowd control than the best way to learn) is an opportunity "to engage in deep, authentic learning instead". []

Great interactive piece from the NY Times about how the virus got out of Wuhan and China to the rest of the world. "About 7 million people left [Wuhan] in January, before travel was restricted." []

Walruses can whistle! []


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