Five Quick Links for Monday Noonish


I'm a Direct Descendant of Thomas Jefferson. Take Down His Memorial. "The time to honor the slave-owning founders of our imperfect union is past." []

From Science magazine's senior photo editor, the most memorable photography of the pandemic so far. []

A discussion of appropriation & and equity of access in the food/restaurant world. "All food is fusion, so why does it matter who is cooking what?" []

A great review of the filmed version of Hamilton by Siddhant Adlakha. "The show's more idealistic elements feel illusory in hindsight. It was made for a different America, and today, it's easy to wonder whether that America ever existed at all." []

Why are US cases of Covid-19 increasing while deaths are decreasing? "The answer is simple. It's called Simpson's paradox and it's the result of incorrectly pooling data and arriving at a false conclusion." []


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