Seven Quick Links for Wednesday Afternoon


A lovely remembrance of Robin Williams from someone who went to the same 12-step meeting for years. "He kept a very low profile but he was unfailingly kind." []

Seven books to read in which very little happens. Includes Nicholson Baker's The Mezzanine, which is fantastic. []

The sports writers at the NY Times have come up with some interesting ideas (good and bad) about how to fix professional sports (e.g. too-long baseball games, confusing rules in soccer & football, boring golf). []

Whoa, a paper that presents evidence of possible human presence in Mexico "as early as 33,000–31,000 years ago", which is more than 15,000 years earlier than the Clovis culture. []

The Billionaire Behind Efforts to Kill the U.S. Postal Service. Spoiler warning: it's libertarian dipshit Charles Koch, who has done untold damage to our country and the Earth. []

Billie Eilish's bad guy, but played in the major key. "instead of playing it normal i'm the good guy so i play it in the major key, to the screams of music majors everywhere." []

A Small Needful Fact, a poem by Ross Gay about Eric Garner. The last line of this knocked me on my ass. []


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