Eight Quick Links for Monday Afternoon


"Domestic abusers, white supremacists, and religious bigots all operate off the same thin but very useful playbook that exploits other people's politeness." [twitter.com]

"On right-wing forums, supporters of President Trump are openly planning attacks on state capitols for the days leading up to President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s inauguration on Jan. 20." [nytimes.com]

An explanation of how a "self coup" works. "An autogolpe is, at its simplest, when a duly elected leader revolts against his *own* government to consolidate power." [twitter.com]

The US needs a National Hi-Fi Mask Initiative. "Ideally, a set of [N95 or close equivalent] masks would be mailed to each U.S. household every month -- the costs of doing so pale in comparison to the pandemic's toll on lives and the economy." [statnews.com]

"The key issue is this: One of the three branches of the federal government has just incited an armed attack against another branch." [nytimes.com]

Here's the article of impeachment introduced by House Democrats today "charging President Trump with 'high crimes and misdemeanors' for inciting the mob that assaulted the Capitol on Wednesday". [nytimes.com]

A TikTok user w/ Parkinson's made a video complaining about their tiny hard-to-use pills so another user taught himself how to use 3D modeling software and designed an easier way to take those small pills. Schematics are open source. [twitter.com]

"There has been not a single official briefing from the White House, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, or Capitol Police. The federal government has gone dark." An electrifying question to ask yourself rn: "Who is in charge of America?" [heathercoxrichardson.substack.com]


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