According to the NY Times, 4,400 Covid-19 deaths were reported in the US yesterday. With cases still high, we'll see 5000/day in the coming weeks. Might see 8000-10,000/day with the new strains unless action is taken. A colossal crisis. []
Was discussing this with a friend yesterday: Why Aren't We Wearing Better Masks? Cloth masks and bandanas were a stop-gap measure but we're a year into this now...everyone should be wearing better masks, especially with B.1.1.7 on the horizon. []
The Congressman Who Lost His Son and Fled a Mob. "The day before the Capitol riot, Representative Jamie Raskin buried his 25-year-old son, who had left a note for his family on New Year's Eve." []
"Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, his health director and other ex-officials have been told they’re being charged after a new investigation of the Flint water scandal." []
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