SineRider: A Game About Love & Graphing


Remember Line Rider? It's a simple video game / physics toy where you draw slopes and curves for a person on a sled to navigate, pulled along by gravity. SineRider, a project started by Chris Walker and finished by a group of teen hackers at Hack Club, is a version of Line Rider where you use math equations to draw curves to maneuver the sledder through a series of points, sometimes in a certain order. Here's a trailer with some gameplay examples:

Let me tell you, I haven't had this much fun mucking around with an online game/toy since I don't know when. My math is super rusty, but SineRider eases you into the action with some simple slopes (no cosines or tangents necessary) and before you know it, it's 20 minutes later and you're googling equations for parabolas.

Right now, there are two ways to play. You can start on the front page and go through a progression of puzzles that get more challenging as more concepts are introduced (such as the curve changing over time). Or you can do the challenges, which are posted daily to Twitter or Reddit. My son and I spent 10-15 minutes solving these two challenges and we were laughing and cheering when we finally got them. (The educational opportunity here is obvious...)

SineRider is currently in beta so some of the UI stuff is a little rough around the edges, but I was really charmed by the music, the animations...everything really. The project is open source — the code is available on GitHub and the Hack Club folks are looking for contributors and collaborators:

There's a reason it's open-source and written in 100% vanilla JavaScript. We need volunteer artists, writers, programmers, and puzzle designers. And, if you're a smart teenager who wants to change education for the better, you should come join Hack Club!

Tags: mathematics · SineRider · video · video games


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