Five Quick Links for Friday Noonish


Fun promo for a Doctor Who Blu-ray collection featuring a reunion between Tegan and Nyssa. So good to see them again! (via @charliejane)

A federal judge on the persistent ethical failures of the Supreme Court justices. "You don't just stay inside the lines; you stay well inside the lines. This is not a matter of politics or judicial philosophy. It is ethics in the trenches."

Jewelry carved from now-extinct giant sloths has been found in Brazil, which indicates humans were living in the Americas 25,000-27,000 years ago, much longer ago than once thought.

I've posted before about Florian T M Zeisig's album of looping Enya samples (it's in my regular listening rotation while I'm working) and he's just released a second volume of new songs that are equally engaging.

Project E Ink is selling "a $2500 e ink art piece that displays daily newspapers on your wall".


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