Five Quick Links for Tuesday Noonish


New iOS game from Iconfactory (makers of Twitterrific, RIP): Ollie's Arcade. It consists of 3 retro-style mini-games: Ollie Soars (a Flappy Bird-like scroller), Tranquility Touchdown (lunar lander), and Snake (er, Snake).

Two people detained for digging shortcut through Great Wall of China. "The suspects admitted under questioning that they had used a digger to create a shortcut in the wall in an attempt to reduce local travel time."

WOW: "If Earth were an exoplanet, JWST would know there's an intelligent civilization here." The telescope is capable of detecting molecules of life & industrialization — which means we should be able to detect those on other exoplanets. (via @dens)

"The fastest we ever travelled was in 1969." A barn-burner of a thread about the slow collapse of the US after the revolt of the rich in the early 70s against the excess freedom/wealth of the middle/working classes.

This Labor Day is for Laborers. "There is an energy in the air. It's in our unions and our workplaces and all over the news and it has the power to transform our economy and our country."


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