From the Depths of Wikipedia: none of the phrasing from the 2003... Unknown 09:53 IFTTT Kottke Unknown From the Depths of Wikipedia: none of the phrasing from the 2003 “Ship of Theseus” page on Wikipedia remains in the current entry. 😂 💬 Join the discussion on → from via IFTTT Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Author : Unknown Related Posts Can you solve the greatest wordplay puzzle ever? It relates to texts...Can you solve the greatest wordplay puzzle ever? It relates to texts using all 100 letters in a Scrabble set exactly, eA study in Scotland has found that no cases of cervical cancer...A study in Scotland has found that no cases of cervical cancer have been detected in young women who have been fully vaWhat If The Bear, But a Commercial for Coke? If the vibe of this commercial for the Coca-Cola Company seems familiar, perhaps it’s because Christopher Storer direcEmma Stone applies to be on Jeopardy! every year — and not...Emma Stone applies to be on Jeopardy! every year — and not that “Celebrity” horsecrap. “‘I really want to earn my strip