Henri Cartier-Bresson’s Forgotten Photographs of New Jersey


black and white photo of kids running across the street in 70s New Jersey

black and white photo of a big box truck under a bridge

In 1975, famed French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson traveled, at the behest of a public television station, to the US to take photographs of New Jersey.

The photographer felt that New Jersey’s anywhere-ness, its density and diversity, was “a kind of shortcut through America.” With that prompt, Evans assembled an itinerary. Cunningham picked up Cartier-Bresson in Manhattan around sunrise each day for three weeks and headed for the bridges and tunnels. They embedded with ambulance drivers in Newark and chicken farmers in West Orange. They visited suburban sprawl, horse country, pine barrens, swamps, seashore, beauty parlors, labs, nuclear facilities, jails, mansions. They once stayed overnight in a South Jersey motel, and Cartier-Bresson insisted that they flip a coin to determine who got the bed.

It was one of his final photo projects and because his photos were cropped for use on television (“a practice Cartier-Bresson viewed as sacrilege”), the project was not included in most catalogues of his work and was almost forgotten.

You can watch the resulting TV program from 1975 at the American Archive of Public Broadcasting.

Tags: Henri Cartier-Bresson   photography

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