Notes Art


drawing of three large eyes as the bodies of fish

drawing of an observatory with feet

drawing of a man sitting inside a green monster holding a sign that says 'open'

Every day, Chris Silverman draws a small artwork using only the Notes app on his iPhone.

#notesArt is a style formed by the limitations of the medium: I draw with my finger on a screen the size of a 3-by-5 card, using drawing tools that were designed for annotating documents, not making artwork. Similar to an app, each work is minimalist and limited in scope. The simple nature of the tool allows me to focus on the essence of each piece; perhaps a strange thing to be able to do on a device known primarily for providing distraction.

Like he says, this is a great example of how contraints can foster creativity. Here’s what I don’t understand though: WTF? How does anyone do drawings this detailed in the Notes app with just their finger?! I just tried to make a smiley face and it looks like a 3-year-old did it. (Ok, a 1-year-old.)

Tags: art   Chris Silverman   telephony


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